Economics Core Requirement
- STA 296 Statistical Methods and Motivations
- ECO 201 Principles of Economics I
- ECO 202 Principles of Economics II
- ECO 391 Economic and Business Statistics
- ECO 401 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- ECO 402 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
- ECO 300+ Any 300+ level ECO course
Plus two of the following:
- ECO 471 International Trade
- ECO 472 International Monetary Economics
- ECO 473G Economic Development
- ECO 379 (economics of Public Policy)
- ECO 430G (Cost Benefit Analysis)
- ECO 491G (Econometrics)
- ECO 450G (Poverty and Inequality)
Intercultural Core Requirement:
- MCL/SPA 300 Contact Zones: Cultivating Intercultural Competence
Arabic Language Curriculum for FLIE Majors Track Requirements
- AIS 202 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic (3)
- AIS 311 Business Arabic (3)
- AIS 301 Colloquial Arabic I (3)
- MCL/SPA 300 Contact Zones (3)
Arabic Core Hours (12)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
Choose at least 12 hours of Arabic courses from the following:
- AIS 302 Colloquial Arabic II (3)
- AIS 401 Advanced Modern Standard Arabic (3)
- AIS 442 Arabic Reading I (3)
- AIS 443 Arabic Reading II (3)
- AIS 328 Islamic Civilization I (3)
- AIS 330 Islamic Civilization II (3)
- AIS 338 Women in Islam (3)
- AIS 435 Topics: Modern Arabic Literature and Film (3)
Chinese Language Curriculum for FLIE Majors
- CHI 301: Advanced Intermediate Chinese (3)
- CHI 302: Advanced Intermediate Chinese (3)
- CHI 331: Intro to Chines Culture since 1840 (3)
- MCL/SPA 300: Contact Zones (3)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
12 hours drawn from the following list:
- CHI 310: Sounds of East Asian Languages (3)
- CHI 320: Gender Politics in Chinese Lit. (3)
- CHI 321: Intro to Cont. Chinese Film (3)
- CHI 322: Self and Society in Chinese Cult. (3)
- CHI 323: Chinese Drama (3)
- CHI 330: Intro to Chinese culture to 1840 (3)
- CHI 333: Chinese Short Stories (3)
- CHI 345: Early Chinese Thought (3)
- CHI 395: Ind. Study (variable credit)
- CHI 401: Advanced Chinese (3)
- CHI 402: Advanced Chinese (3)
- CHI 430: Pop. Culture in Mod. China (3)
- CHI 450: Daoism, East and West (3)
- CHI 495G: Advanced Independent Work in Chinese (1-3)
- CHI 511: Literary Chinese (3)
- CHI 520: Chinese Linguistics (3)
- A-H 415G: Top. in Asian Art History* (3)
- HIS 355: Non-West. History since 1789* (3)
- HIS 597: Uses of the Past in Mod. China (3)
- HIS 598: Emergence of Mod. China (3)
- A&S 300: Special Top. Course* (3)
- MCL 375: Language Study Abroad (1-3)
- MCL 376: Cultural Studies Abroad (1-3)
- MCL 390 002 Popular Culture in Modern East Asia (3)
- MCL 390 003 Traditional Chinese Medicine (3)
- MCL 595 The White Snake (3)
French Language Curriculum for FLIE Majors
- FR 204: Introduction to French and Francophone Studies (prereq FR 202) (3)
- FR 214: France Today (prereq FR 202) (3) or FR 215: Visual Cultures (prereq FR 202) (3)
- FR 307: French for Business and Economics (3)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
Twelve hours from the following courses (prereq FR 204 for all 300-level courses):
- FR 310: French Phonetics (3)
- FR 311: Introduction to French Linguistics (3)
- FR 324: Studies in French Literature (Subtitle required) (3)
- FR 325: Le cinéma français (Subtitle required) (3)
- FR 344: The Literary Text (Subtitle required) (3)
- FR 350: Francophone Cultures (Subtitle required) (3)
- FR 410: French in Performance (3)
- FR 425: Media Studies (3) (Prereq for FR 410 and 425: completion of 6 hrs of 300-level or above French coursework)
- FR 470G: Topical Seminar I (Subtitle required) (3)
- FR 471G: Topical Seminar II (Subtitle required) (3) (Prereq for FR 470G and 471G: completion of 9 hrs of 300-level or above French coursework)
German Language Curriculum for FLIE Students
- GER 206 Spoken Communication (3)
- GER 307 Intermediate German Composition and Conversation I (3)
- GER 310 German for International Business and Professions (3)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
12 hours from the following list:
- GER 308 Intermediate German Composition and Conversation II (3)
- GER 311 Introduction to German Literature: Themes (Subtitle required) (3)
- GER 312 Introduction to German Literature: Popular Forms (3)
- GER 317 History of German Culture (3)
- GER 319 Contemporary German Literature and Culture (3)
- GER 342 War, Peace and Terror: Germany and Europe (3)
- GER 352 German-speaking Europe (Subtitle required) (3)
- GER 361 German Cinema (3)
- GER 363 Germanic Mythology (3)
- GER 395 Independent Work in German (1-3)
- GER 415G Major German Authors (Subtitle required) (3)
- GER 416G Genres of German Literature (3)
- GER 420G Special Studies in German Literary and Cultural History (Subtitle required) (3)
- GER 507 Advanced German Composition and Conversation (3)
Italian Language Curriculum for FLIE Students
- ITA 263 Studies in Italian Culture (Subtitle required) (3)
- ITA 300 Italian Conversation and Writing (3)
- ITA 301 Italy from Fascismo to the Present (3)
- ITA 335 Topics in the Italian Cinema (Subtitled required) (3)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
9 hours from the following:
- ITA 263 Studies in Italian Culture (Subtitle required) (3)
- A&S 300 Special Course (Subtitle required): Italian Language through Film (3)
- ITA 335 Topics in the Italian Cinema (Subtitle required) (3)
- ITA 395 Independent Studies in Italian (3)
- ITA 410G Special Topics in Italian Language (Subtitle required) (3)
- ITA 417 Advanced Italian Language (3)
- ITA 443G Survey of Italian Literature I (3)
- ITA 563 Studies in Dante (3)
- ITA 566 Literature of the Italian Renaissance
- ITA 569 Topics in Italian Language, Literature, or Culture (Subtitle required) (3)
- A-H / CLA 314 Ancient (Subtitle required) (3)
- A-H 334 Reframing Renaissance Art (3)
- A-H 335 Early Modern Art and Visual Culture, 1400-1700 (Subtitle required) (3)
- CLA / HIS 391 Christians in the Roman Empire (3)
- HIS 502 A History of the Roman Republic (3)
- HIS 503 A History of the Roman Empire (3)
- HIS 509 Roman Law (3)
- HIS 519 The Era of the Renaissance (3)
Japanese Language Curriculum for FLIE Majors
FLIE Japanese Core Requirement:
- JPN 301 Advanced Japanese I (3)
- JPN 302 Advanced Japanese II (3)
plus one of the following modern Japanese cultural-social studies courses:
- JPN 321 Introduction to Japanese Culture, Meiji (1868) to Present (3)
- JPN 334 Environment, Society and Economy of Japan (3)
- JPN 351 The Japanese Experience of the Twentieth Century (3)
- HIS 357 Japan at War, 1850 to the Present
Other Course Work Required for the Major
12 hours from the following:
- JPN 300+ courses (3)
- GEO 333 Geography of East Asia (3)
- HIS 295 - EAST ASIA TO 1600 (3)
- HIS 296 - EAST ASIA SINCE 1600 (3)
- HIS 356: Women in Modern Japan (3)
- HIS 358: Asians in America (3)
- MCL283: Introduction to East Asian Film (3)
- MCL 345: Food and Society in Asia (3)
Russian Curriculum for FLIE Students
- RUS 301 Conversation and Composition I (3)
- RUS 302 Advanced Intermediate Russian II (3)
- RUS 372 Experiments in Life and Art: Russian Culture 1900-Present (3)
Other Course Work Required for the Major
12 hours from the following:
- ANT 329 Cultures and Societies of Eurasia and Eastern Europe: Socialism and Post-Socialist Change (3)
- ANT 432 Anthropology of Eastern Europe and Russia (3)
- HIS 385 History of Russia to 1825 (3)
- HIS 386 History of Russia Since 1825 (3)
- HIS 534 Russia in the 19th Century (3)
- HIS 535 Russia in the 20th Century (3)
- HIS 536 Intellectual and Cultural History of Russia to1800 (3)
- HIS 537 Intellectual and Cultural History of Russia from 1800 to the Present (3)
- MCL 375 Language Study Abroad (1-3)
- MCL 376 Cultural Studies Abroad (1-3)
- RUS 275 Russian Film (3)
- RUS 370 Folklore of Russia and Ukraine (in English) (3)
- RUS 371 The Russian Cultural Imagination: 900-1900 (3)
- RUS 380 Love and Death in 19th-Century Russian Literature (3)
- RUS 381 Writing Revolution and Reaction in Modern Russian Literature (3)
- RUS 401 Advanced Russian (3)
- RUS 402 Advanced Russian (3)
- RUS 410G Russian for Special Purposes (Subtitle required) (3)
- RUS 420G Readings in Russian Literature & Culture (Subtitle required) (3)
- RUS 525 Russian Literary Studies (Subtitle required) (3)
- RUS 535 Russian Visual Studies (Subtitle required) (3)
- RUS 545 Russian Cultural Studies (Subtitle required) (3)
- RUS 555 Topical Seminar on Russian Studies (Subtitle required) (3)
Russian Core hours (21)
Spanish Language Curriculum for FLIE Majors who declared before Fall 2016
Core Requirements: (12 credits)
- SPA 302 Spanish for Business Professionals
- SPA 310 Spanish Composition through Textual Analysis
- SPA 332 Spanish and Latin American Business Environments
- SPA 420 Spanish in the World
Other Course Work Required for the Major
3 of the following: (9 credits)
- SPA 312 Civilization of Spain
- SPA 313 Advanced Spanish Language
- SPA 314 Civilization of Spanish American
- SPA 323 Introduction to Spanish Translation
- SPA 350 Hispanic Cities (Subtitle required
- SPA 371 Latin American Cinema (Subtitle required)
- SPA 372 Spanish Cinema (Subtitle required)
- SPA 397 Independent Work in Spanish
- SPA 399 Field Based/Community Based Education
+ Any 400+level SPA course